Detox, Treatment & Recovery Centers

Person sitting with hands crossed

There’s a great deal of empowerment taking place in the recovery movement, but it seems as if we wait until after treatment takes place to embrace recovery. Recovery begins once drug use ends. The investment the addict makes in their recovery is the most important investment they could possibly make.  The return on this investment is actually their life.

This seminar is presented in such a way that recovering addicts are able to stand back and look at a bigger treatment picture. They will see that what you put into life is what you get out of it. Just as what you put into your recovery is what will manifest in your life.  During this presentation, a group setting is created where the recovering addicts will see the role model of a changed citizen and successful achiever rather than the self-defeating pariah that they once were, merely sharing stories of where they’ve been and what they did.

At the end of the seminar, these recovering addicts will begin to:

  • Question their assumptions about addiction, relapse and recovery
  • Work through further introspection
  • Develop a self-paradigm to live by rather than the social mirror of addiction so many of them use to gauge their direction
  • Learn to rationally and intelligently make the right life-choices in their recovery

Many of those attending this presentation will then go on to sharing their own story with youth across America as part of our Recovery Army. In the end, it’s all about giving back and the Recovery Army offers recovered addicts a purposeful way to do this!