Digital Format
Individual Digital Seminars Geared Toward Students, Parents, Teachers and Staff

In today’s post-Covid environment, with the varying levels of school–student involvement, with some students in school full time, some fully distance-learning and some in a hybrid of the two, it’s more important than ever to meet the needs of our students AND our schools.
Steered Straight meets these needs.
Through a fully virtual format, we provide the school with a current and relevant 45 to 90 minute video or video session. Each video/session is catered to the subject matter and age-appropriate relevance and delivered to each school in the district pre-recorded or through a streaming service. Each pre-recorded video can be played multiple times throughout that school day, to multiple schools within the district, or can be viewed over multiple days that school week if requested.
The facilitator, Michael DeLeon, will deliver current content with advice and motivation relevant to this post-Covid experience and the isolation and anxiety that is systemic in the lives of students through these videos/sessions. It is imperative that students hear not only a cautionary tale, but one that factors in the uniqueness of what America is currently going through. Each video is uplifting and accentuates the positive aspect of connection, seeking role models and growth.
Our video presentations recommend to all students the importance of seeking help with not only academics, but health and safety issues, mental health issues and substance misuse and abuse.
There is video content that focuses on prevention and awareness of substance use, misuse and abuse, with emphasis on nicotine, alcohol and THC/marijuana. There is video content that discusses the profound seriousness of opioids and other prescription drugs, methamphetamine and fentanyl.
Provided to each student and parent are materials and digital links to in-depth continual learning curriculum on drug education from NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) or Foundation for a Drug Free World.
Each student receives a full student curriculum called, “Success for Teens” which is a downloadable 8-chapter journaling plan for all students in middle and high school. There is also a full 7-page guide on dealing with anxiety, showing students how to develop their own “Personal Stress Management Program”. These materials are referenced in each video/session.
What Makes Michael’s Presentation Unique – especially for Students:
- Skilled motivational speaker with real life experience, exceptionally delivered
- Powerful, unique message that literally captivates students
- Thought-provoking message on the long-term effects of gateway drugs, especially nicotine for Middle School and High School Students
What are the learning objectives for Students:
- Students will gain a better understanding about the nature of substance abuse and addiction
- Students will gain more knowledge about the drug nicotine
- Students will gain new understanding how alcohol, tobacco/nicotine and marijuana have drastically changed in nature and substance as well as the marketing of them to today’s youth
- Students will be better equipped to speak with one another about adverse childhood experiences, trauma, substance use disorder and addiction as well as better equipped to ask for help from counselors
- Students will learn about the increased levels of anxiety and why teens are seemingly more anxious. They will be presented with approaches to coping skills, defense mechanisms and the strength that lies in asking for help. They will receive a 7-page guide to show them how to develop their own “Personal Stress Management Guide.”
- Students will be provided a full drug-education curriculum, available digitally from one of two sources chosen by the school district ahead of time. Drug Free World Foundation is a non-profit organization that has a digital program available to students, parents and staff. NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) is a government-funded agency that has a digital program available to Middle School students and a sperate one for High School students. Both are fantastic and are incorporated into our videos.
- Students will be provided a 176-page curriculum called, “Success for Teens.”
Steered Straight will customize videos for your school district and customize the content ahead of time. Streaming service will be arranged ahead of time with your IT department. Steered Straight also does in-person presentations all across the country. These are powerful, in-depth full days impacting every aspect of communities.
Elementary –
- “Straight Talk” Our premier student assembly on Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention.
Middle School –
- “Vaping Me Crazy / Weed Between the Lines” –
- “Break the Silence” Bully Prevention Program
- “Straight Talk” Our premier student assembly on Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention.
High School –
- “Vaping Me Crazy / Weed Between the Lines” –
- “Break the Silence” Bully Prevention Program
- “Straight Talk” Our premier student assembly on Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention.
- “Connection Leadership and the Student Athlete” –
- “Points, Pills and Penalties” –
College –
- “Straight Talk” Our premier student assembly on Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention.
- “Leadership” –
Parents – Parent Academy
- “Table Talks & Dashboard Conversations” –
- “Current Drug Trends” (signs, symptoms and action” –
- “Motivating Students stuck in Poverty” –
- “Motivating Students of Cultural Diverse Backgrounds” –
Law Enforcement
- “Why the Badge Matters” –
- “Blue Lives, Black Lives, All Lives” –
- “One Step Away” –
- “Criminon Program” –
Businesses, Corporate and Management
- “The Drug-Free Workplace” –
Treatment and Recovery Centers
- “It’s All a Set-Up” – Drug Court clients, Full session (90 minutes) or Graduation (15 minute)
Faith-Based, Churches
- “My Testimony” –
- “Faithing Addiction” –
Medical Audiences