Drug Court Clients and Staff “It’s All a Set-Up”
A dynamic and compelling message of overcoming the barriers of re-entry and tackling the stigma of being an ex-offender. Incorporating lessons learned from spending over 10 years in gang involvement, and 17 years in the criminal justice system, Michael delivers a powerful and unforgettable story couples with a conversation. In today’s addiction-plagued culture, drug and alcohol use recruits a growing and diverse population. Much is misunderstood about drug court and its success. Clients will benefit from a messenger that encourages engagement, fosters enthusiasm, and presents a success story.
At the end of the seminar, participants will learn:
- A better understanding about Recovery
- A better understanding about the responsibility of recovery and the three-legged prong to preventing relapse and recidivism
- Be able to articulate the reasoning behind much of the recidivism and relapsing drug use of those with ties to the criminal justice system
- Become more open-minded to their own commitment toward successful completion of Drug Court and a stronger Recovery.
We also provide a staff workshop for Drug Court staff, probation and/or parole and the Judiciary. Michael provides a catered and specific message to each audience to gain a better understanding of addiction and those who fall into it, a better understanding of how things are worsening within this epidemic and how to be less jaded gaining an understanding of Recovery.