For Students

Our Assemblies

Vaping Me Crazy

#1 Requested School Assembly in America
The Truth About Marijuana & Vaping

Kid smoking vape with smoke coming out of mouth

The marijuana legalization movement has increased use in youth to all-time highs and directly links to adolescent use of e-cigarettes and vapes.  According to the CDC:

  • Middle school use in excess of 15%; high school use exceeds 30%.
  • Marketing these products is aimed toward adolescents and unregulated by the FDA.

The hidden agenda:  Hook kids early while telling parents and community marijuana is a harmless plant, no more dangerous than alcohol.

With the dynamic shift from what marijuana once was, it has been genetically modified into a commercialized and industrialized toxic poison. Legal states are selling 100% pure crystals, waxes and e-liquids, commercially marketing them across America and selling them to today’s youth over the internet.

Kids think it’s safe because most parents think it’s safe.

  • Student assembly: Engages students, opens their eyes and leads them to question their own misconceptions about marijuana and what it can do to the developing brain. Directly challenges their desensitized attitude toward vaping, e-juice and e-cigarettes. Educates as no other resource is doing.
  • Parent seminar: In-depth and eye-opening to prevalent use of electronic cigarettes and vapes among high school and middle school students. Gives parents the real scoop on how THC from marijuana is commercially available for e-cigarettes, and the connection and marketing being done directly to their kids.
  • Community seminar can be geared toward any audience:
    • Law Enforcement with a specific education about the risks to the community at large and how its use ties to enforcement.
    • Educators with a message to know signs and symptoms, language and what is happening among kids with vaping and marijuana.
    • Business community with a catered presentation regarding the complications and problems they will entail in attempting to run a drug-free workplace.

Fentanyl Awareness – One Pill Can Kill

“Fake & Fatal” the Truth about Fentanyl

An in-depth student presentation to address a prevalent and deadly epidemic affecting adolescents today: prescription drug misuse, abuse and overdose.

The presentation focuses on opiates, opioids and education on other prescription classes, along with the truth about Fentanyl and its effects on our youth today.

Students learn the facts about Fentanyl and how taking just one pill can kill you.

Driven by fentanyl, the rate of fatal teen overdoses doubled in 2020 and has tripled among teens over the past two years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Per a Harvard professor, “The risk with fentanyl isn’t just addiction or other side effects—it’s simply death.”

Students get a good fentanyl education and learn how the epidemic started, how it’s getting worse and how they can stop it, as well as the evolution from opioids to heroin. They are provided with methods of fentanyl prevention, how to avoid involvement and prevent it from affecting them personally. Students leave with an intense understanding, fentanyl awareness and heightened caution about prescription medication and how to view these products in a more critical way so they are able to make good decisions and right choices.

Weed between the lines

Weed Between The Lines

As perception of harm goes down, youth use of marijuana goes up. Despite what the State of Colorado, numerous proponents of marijuana and the industry have states, youth use has absolutely escalated, and this can be easily proven.

There is a direct link to adolescent use of e-cigarettes and vapes and according to the CDC, middle school use is in excess of 15% and high school use exceeds 30%. The marketing for these products is all geared toward adolescents and it is completely unregulated by the FDA.

The legalization movement has increased youth use to all time highs across America and the age of experimentation and use has decreased. The problem is, almost all of the national conversation that youth get about marijuana are lies. There is an agenda to hook kids early and the media message to Parents and Community is that it is a harmless plant that is no more dangerous than alcohol.

The product has dynamically shifted from what the drug once was. Marijuana has been genetically modified to become a commercialized and industrialized toxic poison. Kids think it’s safe because most parents think it’s safe. Most Americans have no idea what is happening within this new industry. Legal states are selling 100% pure crystals, waxes and e-liquids and they are being commercially marketed across America. These products are unfortunately being bought and shipped over the internet and kids have no idea what they’re subjecting themselves to. Parents aren’t having these conversations because they don’t have the education they need.

This Presentation and/or seminar is geared to three different audiences. Students, Parents and Other Community Audiences.

  • The student assembly will engage students, open their eyes, and most importantly lead them to question their own misconceptions about what marijuana is and what it can possibly do to the development of their brains. It will directly challenge their desensitized attitude toward vaping, e-juice and e-cigarettes. It educated them in a way no other resource is doing.
  • The Parent seminar is very in-depth and eye-opening. MOST audience members have absolutely no idea about what is happening. Most parents have no idea how prevalent the use of electronic cigarettes and vapes are among high school and even middle school students. Now THC extracted from marijuana is commercially available for e-cigarettes and people need to know the connection and the amount of marketing beign done to children. Parents need to be more aware than ever.
    The Community seminar can be geared toward any audience.
  • Law Enforcement with a catered education about the risks to the community at large and its ties to enforcement
  • Educators with a catered message to them to know signs and symptoms, language and what is happening among kids with vaping and marijuana
  • Business community with a catered presentation regarding the complications and problems they will entail in running a drug-free workplace.

Stay In Your Lane!

“Stay In Your Lane!” Our premier student assembly on Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention.

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An assembly for alcohol and drug awareness and prevention that uses current and salient accounts to demonstrate the real-life dangers associated with the misuse and abuse of alcohol, five categories of illicit drugs and over-the-counter substances. Our presenters give their real-life stories so students fully grasp the importance of making healthy life choices.

Break The Silence

Bullying Prevention

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This assembly delivers a unique message regarding the serious and ubiquitous nature of bullying. This presentation teaches students how to recognize and appropriately manage acts of bullying. It illustrates the consequences of bullying, as well as identifies avoidance techniques and alternatives to conflict.