Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement, First Responders and Public Safety Personnel

Why the Badge Matters

In today’s substance abuse epidemic, where the relationship between law enforcement and the community has so drastically changed, it is important to understand the changing role of police officers and first responders. The talking point that is beat to death in America is, “We can’t arrest or incarcerate our way out of this problem”. What is that supposed to mean? What has it come to mean? What should it mean?

During the Seminar, Participants Will Learn:

  • The nature of substance abuse and addiction
  • The origin and process of the current epidemic of opiates and heroin within their communities
  • To articulate the reasoning behind much of the recidivism and relapsing drug use of those with ties to the criminal justice system;
  • A deeper empathy toward the subjects they come across and the importance of police in the success of those seeking recovery
  • The history of PAARI, Angel Programs and unique additions to these programs
  • To explain the long-term consequences, not often discussed, of an arrest, a conviction or involvement within the criminal justice system
  • How first responders, law enforcement and public safety can work together to address this problem within the community
Michael DeLeon accepting award

Why The Badge Matters Keynote for First Responders and Law Enforcement

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People sitting in metal chairs looking at presentation in auditorium room

Why The Badge Matters Keynote for First Responders Testimonials

Michigan-Sergeant: Every cop in America needs to hear this message!

Arizona-LT: This was the best presentation I have heard in my career!

Florida-Captain: If I had sat through this presentation earlier in my career, it would've changed my career!

Idaho-Prison Administrator: This message will change the approach of any corrections professional and how they approach their job! It's that impactful!

Tennessee-EMT: This was the best presentation I've seen ever!

Louisiana-Parole Officer: I am absolutely going to change how I deal with my clientele!