One Step Away
One Step Away is an 11-video series that completely engages the audience member.
It is geared toward incarcerated men and women to encourage and motivate them to look at the underlying causes of their addiction and incarceration as well as enhance their vision of Re-Entry.
This video series is kicked off with a visit by Michael to the facility or a 1-hour video movie of his story. There are 10 Steps in the series and each step has a 15 minute video with a workbook lesson on each one.
These can be done in a classroom setting with a staff facilitator or a peer led facilitator who has completed the program.
Michael was the most impactful speaker I have ever seen. He captured the attention of all of our juveniles and our counselors and teachers reported that the youth were more engaged as a result.
Quite frankly, the very best, most engaging presenter we have ever welcomed into our facility. The men literally talked about Michael’s presentation for weeks.
We would recommend Michael DeLeon for every facility in this country. Every time he visits our facility, we notice a dramatic, positive impact for days after he leaves. His story truly resonates with each and every inmate.
#1 Booked Corrections Speaker
Michael is the #1 booked motivational speaker and facilitator in Correctional Facilities in America. He has entered more than 100 prisons so far in 2019 and has visited more than 500 facilities thus far.
Michael is a motivational speaker who brings Hope through education and motivation to this population.
Prison and Jail Inmate Assembly
Geared Toward All Incarcerated Men and Women
In today’s revolving-door jail and prison culture, where the revolution is driven by addiction, relapse and a continual life of crime, a powerful voice and direction is needed from an identifiable messenger. Michael delivers a powerful and unforgettable story to inmates that literally changes the conversation and the tone of conversation on the tier.
Michael DeLeon is a voice rarely heard by jail and prison inmates, especially while they are incarcerated. A dynamic and powerful message of overcoming the barriers of re-entry and tackling the stigma of being an ex-offender. This in-depth presentation is likely one of the most important messages an inmate will ever hear. Incorporating lessons learned from spending over 10 years in addiction, gang involvement and criminal activity, 12 years behind the walls of New Jersey State Prisons, 2 years in the halfway house system and 3 years on parole, Michael brings real-life tools, motivation and encouragement to a population void of all three. A recovered addict, ex-offender, former gang member, and a national leader in recidivism reduction, addiction advocacy and criminal justice reform, Michael delivers a seminar that will be remembered and inspiring for a very long time to come.
Michael delivers a dynamic and compelling message of overcoming the barriers of re-entry and tackling the societal stigma of being an ex-offender. He emphasizes the #1 Success Principle: Taking 100% Responsibility of your Life. He brings real-life tools, motivation and encouragement to a population void of all three.
What Makes Michael’s Presentation Unique – Especially for Jail and Prison Inmates:
- Powerful, unique message that literally captivates this group
- Skilled motivational speaker with real life experience
- Unique message about the social difficulties of re-acclimation, but the internalized message of how to overcome those barriers to reentry
- Thought provoking discussion on the Success Principles of Re-Entry
- A very atypical presentation on why victim-stance is the most damaging and self-defeating mindset for anyone returning to society from jail or prison
- Profound message sharing his vulnerable ACE experiences that literally create a paradigm shift where dealing with trauma becomes a sign of strength rather than their perceived sign of weakness.
What are the learning objectives:
- Audience members will gain a better understanding about the nature of substance abuse and addiction and how to journey from addiction to Recovery
- Audience members will gain more knowledge about the origin and process of the current epidemic of opiates and heroin within their communities
- Audience members will be able to articulate the reasoning behind much of the recidivism and relapsing drug use of those with ties to the criminal justice system, especially their own situations
- Audience members will gain new understanding and learn new strategies to not only plan for their re-entry, but how to put those strategies into place upon release.
At the end of this presentation and seminar, participants will understand the concepts of Michael DeLeon’s Three Pillars of Re-Entry Capital:
- Furthering Education – All data shows and proves that recidivism decreases as education increases
- Furthering Employment – Steady Employment is the foundation of successful re-entry into society and continued freedom from further involvement in the criminal justice system
- Commitment to Community – Individuals are less likely to take from the community when they are engaging in and contributing to it. Involving yourself into your community as a volunteer, in civic and societal programs builds that engagement and creates a sense of community ownership.
Optional Resources available to inmates/prisoners include pre-approved books:
- The 10 Rules for Successful Re-Entry – by Michael DeLeon
- The Way to Happiness – by L. Ron Hubbard Library
- Resiliency – by Chad M. Robichaux
Numerous Drug Free World educational booklets