Catherine Mertz
Working to detour kids from drugs is more than just a topic of conversation for Catherine Mertz. It has become a mission to educate others through her experience, on how using healthy coping mechanisms can impact life in a positive way.
Growing up in a multi-home family, Catherine watched immediate family members and close friends struggle with addiction, experienced her parents’ divorce when she was just two and was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes when she was just five. Dealing with inconsistencies in connecting with her father in her youth and her chronic illness made it difficult to deal in her teens. She could have easily become a statistic, but instead chose to rise above.
Currently, Catherine is a wife, mother, college graduate and student, photographer, graphic designer and business owner. She understands her children are as vulnerable as any other person when it comes to making a mistake in deciding how to cope with the stressors in today’s society, and she does not want to see anyone lose their life because of it. So, on top of volunteering in her community, she has begun to form programs in her studio to help foster creativity on a deeper local level.
Catherine is also a pageant competitor, having held various titles including Mrs. North Central Montana, Mrs. Montana America 2021 and most recently Mrs. Montana American 2022. Her work as a competitor has moved her to the point of speaking to groups to tell her story on a national level.
Contact Steered Straight today and book Catherine Mertz for your school!