
I just have to say I was one of the people at Pau Wa Lu Middle School and after your assembly it changed me. My perspective is completely different on vapes, alcohol, etc. Thank you for doing that.

Kayla Bryant


Michael had the audience’s attention at all presentations! Our students loved him! Thank you very much!


School Nurse

Thank you letter from Josh Smith

I absolutely loved, y’alls program. it really impacted me and a bunch of people at my school. We had a huge talk about it in our last class at the end that day, everyone left crying because y’all impacted so many people. Thankyou so much!!

Your presentation has helped me stop vaping and doing all sorts of stuff like that and now I’m. Not getting high on weed I’m getting high on life and god and that’s the only way I want it

The information was well received by the students and faculty. Micheal DeLeon was very engaging, relative, and discussed real-life experiences. He was able to keep the students engaged as they were able to ask questions at the end of his presentation. They would stand in line to talk to him.

Lizzy Crispen

Assistant Principal NY

Michael during a presentation in gymnasium

Last week, our school district, Lincoln County School District #1, spent a day with Michael DeLeon and his Steered Straight program. His team worked with me to organize and plan the event with great ideas, a pre- and post-survey for the middle and high school students, a simple list of what we needed to have ready for the day, as well as ideas and suggestions for advertising.

Then, the big day arrived. Michael came in the morning, accompanied by Mrs. Wyoming and her daughter, who is a recovering addict. Michael presented four assemblies (K-2, 3-6, 7-8, and 9-12). This was not exactly how he usually presents, but he worked with our district to make it work for our schools. I went to each presentation and came away with new information each time.

Michael related well to the kids, at each age level. He was very knowledgeable about the subject matter and held the students’ attention incredibly well. One of our administrators commented that the biggest proof that the students enjoyed the assembly was that our high school assembly ran over, and when the final bell rang for school to be dismissed, not a single student got up to leave. Many assemblies have come to our school, and I have never had a more positive reaction from the student body.

That night, Michael also did a “parent academy” to talk with parents. Sadly, we did not have a great parent turn out. However, Michael taught the small group thoroughly and those that came got great information. In addition, Michael sent us a recording of a past parent meeting for us to give to parents and offered to do another parent meeting the next time that he is in the area.

I would just like to add that our students flocked to him after the assemblies. They wanted to take their pictures with him, talk with him, and he was extremely personable with all of them. I had the opportunity to hear a conversation about the crazy schedule that he lives doing all these assemblies and presentations and learned how little he is at home, and I was amazed at how he can stay attuned to the present and the students/people that he is with, without getting bogged down by the constant travel.

Michael and the Steered Straight assemblies are incredible, and I would highly recommend them to all schools. When Michael’s assemblies were over, we were left with drug curriculum and pamphlets, free books to help our students, a large sign showing our students’ commitment to stay away from substances, wonderful information, and memories of a great experience. Steered Straight has my wholehearted recommendation!


Cynthia Platt

School Counselor- Wyoming

Dear Steered Straight Team,

I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you for sending Michael to speak at our school. He was truly excellent. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, not only from our staff and parents but, most importantly, from the students themselves. They were deeply impacted by his message, and it’s clear he left a lasting impression.

Additionally, I wanted to let you know we had six vape devices turned in, which was an unexpected yet wonderful outcome from his visit.
Thank you again for your dedication and commitment to making a difference in students’ lives. We look forward to future opportunities to collaborate.

Brian Gilbertson

6-12 Principal, Edgerton Public School

Overall, the assembly was very helpful, and I would strongly recommend this to others. After the assembly several students and faculty expressed how they have never experienced an anti-drug assembly like this one at our school. They stated that Michael was relatable, sincere, and open as opposed to other anti-drug assembly programs they’ve attended.

Kim Jones

Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing Arts NY

Hey, I’m from the highschool you were at today, I wanted to let you after the assembly. My little sister came up to me crying. And asked me how she could quit smoking(I had a previous problem with smoking and drinking) IM 11 MONTHS clean. But you really touched her heart, IIwas genuinely scared she was gonna overdose. So thank you for volunteering your time to talk to these schools. What you do is amazing.

lk how much you do for this world and you always tell us kids and older people that are going thro bad things how much you beileve in them but I wanna tell you how much I believe in you your such an awesome person and I don’t think people give you enough credit for what you do when you started talking to us in school I felt different I felt that i really could be better for this world and all I had to do was trust in god your voice made me wanna change for the better I really wanna thank you

I’ve been thinking about quitting for awhile, but I just couldn’t get myself to do it. I’ve been around vaping, cigarettes, weed and alcohol my whole life. So I was around bad influences, I started vaping when I was 10 or 11 so 3-5 years, my dad overdosed 10 months ago and you speech really got to me. I didn’t turn it in when you were doing the gift card and bags because I just couldn’t bring myself to do it but I got to thinking I should really quit because I also have really bad asthma on top of that so I finally got myself to quit.

You came to visit my school today I had so many people talking about quitting I’m currently 9 months clean from vaping I found out the deadly chemicals in vapes and I quit and what you saif today making me and other strive thank you so much for them words and keep up the good work.

We cannot begin to express our sincere appreciation for the opportunity to work with Steered Straight, Inc. From the initial contact until now we are so impressed with their communication and quick response. The chance to speak directly to the owner/main presenter, Michael DeLeon, to set up and finalize our event was quite extraordinary.

Prior to the presentation day, cases of booklets on various substances (i.e., alcohol, marijuana, prescription) arrived at our school and were put on display for the students and parents to pick up as they arrived. On the actual day of the event Mr. DeLeon arrived early, set up quickly and was ready to greet students and staff as they entered for each of the presentations. Michael provides a personal touch to all parts of his presentation. He has an uncanny ability to read the students and staff, even when wearing face coverings.

Each presentation was specifically tailored to the age level of the audience. Michael’s first

presentation for our district consisted of a group kindergarten (some as a young as 4 years old) through 4′ grade students. He delivered an engaging, thirty-minute presentation where the students got to know Michael and heard a simple but clear message about life choices. As he transitioned to a group of 5th_Stn grade students for sixty minutes he provided more information with increased details of his personal story,

hard ship, and success. The 9th-12th grade ninety minute presentation left little room for imagination.

Michael clearly explained how his poor, life choices helped spiral him into an early life of negative consequences. He provides his audiences with many eye-opening statistics. Not too many that overwhelm the listeners, but enough to get their attention and keep them focused on message; positive personal decisions in a young adult’s life will affect them long term Michael’s goal is to share his real-life experiences and help steer student to make positive life decisions and avoid the things that he was unable to steer clear

of as a teenager which inevitably led to more and more negative consequences. The students were visibly moved by Michael’s message and asked him great questions at the end of his presentation. One high school student told the principal, “Thank you so much for caring enough to bring this presenter to us. His story makes me want to make good choices.”

The student presentations were just three of Mr. DeLeon’s five presentations of the day. After school he engaged our staff in a ninety-minute talk with even more personal and statistical information. One staff member commented, “The things he talked about scared me. The kids today worry me.” Michael concluded his day in our district with a presentation. directed at parents. He spoke about “Victoria’s Voice” and how a free copy of the book would be delivered to anyone who wanted one. The books were shipped to the district the following day and given to the students and parents who requested a copy.

Working with Steered Straight, Inc. was a great experience for our district. Everyone had the opportunity (i.e., students, staff, parents, community) to hear this amazing presentation. Michael DeLeon is a dynamic speaker with an array of age-appropriate presentations. We would encourage all districts to reach out and invite Steered Straight, Inc to send a presenter to their district soon.

Kory G. Bay

Superintendent, Business Administrator

The Anti-Bullying presentation provided by your organization was well prepared, thoughtful, and engaging for the students. You created an atmosphere that challenged how students viewed themselves, school, and their community. The presentation was also inviting for the staff which allowed everyone in the room to laugh, think, and reflect. Steered Straight has developed a customized program
that will benefit anyone K-12.

One of the best parts of your program is engaging the students and hands on activities. The presenters were funny, helpful, and encouraging to everyone. Each person from Steered Straight was professional and fully implemented their program in a timely fashion. I would recommend them for any student incentive, bullying, or school spirit presentation you are trying to promote.

Elsiriboro School

I would recommend this program to every single school district in America! The way in which the information about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco was conveyed tied with the real-life experience of Micheal will forever be ingrained in my mind. Following each assembly, I had a chance to speak with administrators from each school district and their sentiments were exactly the same. One superintendent explained to me that in his entire career in education, he had never witnessed a better presentation.

Josh Tucker

Clermont County Educational Service Center


Ive been thinking abt quitting for awhile, but i just couldnt get myself to do it, ive been around vaping, cigarettes, weed and alcohol my whole life, soi was around bad influen·ces, i started vaping when i was 10 or 11 so 3-4 years, my dad overdosed 10 months ago, and your speech really got to me, i didnt turn it in when you was doing the gift card and bags be·cause i just couldnt bring myself to do it but i got to thinking i should really quit be i also have really bad asthma on top of that so i finally got myself to quit.

“Thank you so much for Michael’s message at Central Valley Schools in Ilion, NY. The feedback was overwhelmingly (as in all) positive. And thank you Mrs. DeLeon for your remarkable testimony. The idea that you would stand by your husband in his darkest hour sent a powerful message to kids whose parents split over selfish and trivial things.”

Educator 2019

This will be our second time having Michael DeLeon as a guest speaker for our Middlesex County Sheriff’s, DARE/Jr. Police Academy.  We originally heard Michael speak at a family day in North Brunswick, and decided we needed to book him to speak to our kids.  He has a wonderfully powerful message to give, and the kids respond to him well.  He is captivating and very “real”, and the kids just soak up the information he puts out.  The fact that he made the wrong choices and paid the consequences, and learned from his mistakes is not lost on them, and they appreciate his candor. Our Jr. Academy is age specific for 5th and 6th graders, so the average child is around 10 years old, but I would recommend Mr. DeLeon for any age group.

Community Awareness Unit

Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office

Recently, Vision Ministries in coordination with Steered Straight prepared an assembly for our school.

During this assembly, Mr. Michael R. DeLeon spoke to our students about making healthy decisions and explained his life story as a means to influence students to avoid drugs and to seek help before it is too late. After the assembly, we received positive feedback from both students and community members.

Mr. Crum of Vision Ministries brought this event to Laurel Jr. / Sr. High School free of charge, but the assembly was a priceless experience for our students.

Mark Frengel

Principal, Laurel Jr. / Sr. High School

It gives me great pleasure to write this letter for Drug Free World. A short time ago, we had the opportunity to bring Michael DeLeon to Southport High School to speak to our students about the dangers of drugs and specifically vaping. Throughout the day, Michael shared his message with each grade level. His presentation was not only very informational, but it was also captivating to the student audience. Michael has a talent. His message masterfully weaved together vital information about the dangers of vaping with his personal story. The students were engaged and left the meeting more informed about the truth about drugs.

After school, Michael presented a targeted message to our student-athletes challenging them to be leaders and stay drug and alcohol-free. In the evening, Michael then shared his message with our families. Each of these forms allowed students and parents to ask questions so they could learn more about and make more informed decisions.

While the presentation was inspiring and informative, rarely does a one-time event change behavior. Drug Free World understands this and leaves your school with a great deal of educational information that can be used to continue to conversations. I look forward to implementing the curriculum as we work to help our students make good decisions concerning drugs and alcohol.

I highly recommend the partnership we have formed with Drug Free World. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me by email at or by phone at 317-789- 4811.

Brian Knight

 Southport High School

Hello Mr. Deleon, I would first just like to thank you for coming to my school and presenting that amazing speech to my friends and I. The speech truly changed my life and I just want to let you know how much of an impact that it had on me. The speech was captivating and just left me speechless. Some of the statistics about vaping and marijuana are absolutely staggering and horrifying. It is just so sad to think about what America has come to. Thank you for making such a difference in my life, and for all those around you. I just wanted to let you know. THANK YOU.
Student from Texas 2020

“The message you delivered at North Jackson High School today hit home. My husband and I just about lost our marriage due to opioid addiction…My little girl was one of the silver card holders…I just wanted you to know I appreciate everything you do for these kids. God has and will continue to pour his blessings upon you.”

Parent 2019

I just wanted to thank you so much for such an informative night! I am grateful for your time spent with us. I am definitely going to dig into your website and material provided. Since addiction runs in my family, and I know for a fact my son is vaping, I need to know as much as I can.

Parent 2020

I fully support the Steered Straight organization, which imparts a vital message to young people about the importance of making sound decisions. Their distinctive educational approach, which is firmly rooted in real-life experiences, empowers students to make positive and well-informed choices. The Millbrook Central School District had the honor of hosting Michael DeLeon, a guest speaker from Steered Straight, who shared his personal journey of battling substance abuse and achieving sobriety and success. This presentation had a profound and lasting impact on our staff and students, underscoring the effectiveness of Steered Straight’s approach. During the 23/24 school year, Mr. Michael DeLeon delivered a powerful presentation to our Millbrook Middle School and Millbrook High School students, enlightening them about the detrimental effects of drugs and vaping on our bodies and lives. This presentation not only left a lasting impression on our students but also served as a catalyst for advocating for better lives for those with mental health conditions and promoting mental wellness in our community. The positive changes sparked by this presentation are a testament to the effectiveness of Steered Straight’s approach. The Steered Straight presentation is a comprehensive exploration of crucial topics such as drug and alcohol abuse awareness, bullying, gangs, and gang violence, all of which are interconnected with the choices and decisions our students make. The presentation also underscores the importance of making healthy life choices. Mr. Michael DeLeon’s use of real-life stories effectively drives these points home. Steered Straight’s youth assembly was a resounding success in our school district, and I wholeheartedly recommend it for grades 4-12 and professional staff development.

Millbrook Central Middle and High School May 3, 2024

The story you said yesterday related so much to me and it meant so much. I am in eighth grade and I really do wish people would give up the drugs and vapes and tobacco. It meant so much for people to hear that and it was ·extremely encouraging for people. I hope people will listen to what you have to say and spread your word.


you were at my school the other day. (hartselle jr high) and i’ve never vaped, smoked or drank ever in my life. but you just made me realize just how much it can affect someone’s life. you helped a lot of people in our school. i just can’t imagine just how many lives y,ou’ve saved, your amazing. i hope you continue changing lives for the better. thank you and you may not even1see this, but it needed to be said anyways!!

Overall, the assembly was very helpful, and I would strongly recommend this to others. After the assembly several students and faculty expressed how they have never experienced an anti-drug assembly like this one at our school. They stated that Michael was relatable, sincere, and open as opposed to other anti-drug assembly programs they’ve attended.

Jody Covington

Principal NY

Hey man

I just want to say thank you lk you don’t know me but

Watching your snaps on your snap story save my life man. God bless have a good day.

I wanted to express how grateful I am that Michael DeLeon came to present his knowledge to our students at North Haledon Middle School. I got the chance to see Michael DeLeon at a high school parent’s night that I was invited to in March of 2019. After seeing his presentation I had to have him come speak to the students of High Mountain Middle Schoool where I work as the Student Assistance Counselor (SAC). The purpose of the assembly is to provide our students with accurate knowledge about drugs, alcohol, vaping, and the risks that they can endure when experimenting. Michael DeLeon is a powerful speaker, he is REAL and grabbed the student’s attention immediately.

All teachers, counselors, support staff and administration were present during the assembly. Mr. DeLeon was a dynamic speaker and when concluding his presentation he ensured to review the importance of choice, self-confidence, pride and zero tolerance to anything that will take happiness away from their amazing journeys ahead. I was very proud of our students and their maturity, along with their willingness to help each other be successful and safe after they experience the assembly. The conversations of the topics present were continued with our staff, in the hallways, and most importantly within our classrooms. I think it is extremely important to provide our families with accurate resources so that they can continue to support and collaborate with each other to ensure all our children are protected and happy. I would wholeheartedly have Michael DeLeon come back to conduct his presentation with our students again in the future!!

Mrs. Kimberly Jacobson

Student Assistance Counselor

Hello Michael,

I wanted to further thank you for your talk in front of our class this morning and further talks throughout the day in the community. I was the student who told you how your presentation has been way more impactful than prior years. My brother and mother both attended the freshman presentation and they felt it had a similar impact.

Truthfully, I had a free period scheduled during your presentation and I had the thought of skipping out on it, but something told me not to. Your presentation truly sparked an interest for the cause you stand for.

Thank you again and I wish you the best in your efforts.

Senior Student 2019

Hello Mr. Deleon, I would first just like to thank you for coming to my school and presenting that amazing speech to my friends and I. The speech truly changed my life and I just want to let you know how much of an impact that it had on me. The speech was captivating and just left me speechless. Some of the statistics about vaping and marijuana are absolutely staggering and horrifying. It is just so sad to think about what America has come to. Thank you for making such a difference in my life, and for all those around you. I just wanted to let you know. THANK YOU.

Freshman Student 2020

I would like to take the time to thank Steered Straight for presenting such a powerful and captivating presentation at our school. Michael and Aly did an incredible job depicting their life stories in such an eye opening way that our students were asking about them weeks later. The presentation sent a out a non filtered message that is needed to reach some of our most challenging students. It was a honor to be selected as a sponsored school and to have your program at our school touching lives. We are looking forward to you returning to us in the future. Thank you again for sending out your message and saving lives.

Kelli Richard-Lopez

Family Counselor, Cypress Run Education Center