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We deliver a message that will help children, especially teenagers, to:

  1. Question their assumptions about bulling, gangs, drug use and crime;
  2. Analyze the social norms of the peers around them;
  3. Develop a self-paradigm to live by rather than the social mirror that so many of them use to gauge their direction; and
  4. Learn to rationally and intelligently make the right life-choices.

Student Assemblies & Special Programs

While each Steered Straight, Inc. student assembly focuses on the topic at hand, all assemblies emphasize the importance of consequential thinking and protective factors. In this way, students learn the significance of positive influences, both internal and external, such as, positive choices, positive self-talk, and positive role models.

Through pre and post presentation student surveys, we have found that 80% of students actually go home to talk to a parent about our assemblies. Externally, through a partnership in NJ with 2ND Floor Teen Help-line, NJ districts that receive a Steered Straight Student Assembly see an average 63% increase in help-line phone calls from students. One in five of 2ND Floor’s statewide calls come from students that have viewed a Steered Straight Student Assembly.

Professional Development Workshops

In addition to the presentations and programs designed for students, we offer four Professional Development Seminars for staff and educators.  These seminars educate teachers, administrators and professional staff on the behaviors, identification, laws, and consequences surrounding the issues at hand.  They also discuss methods for appropriately recognizing and addressing situations related to bullying, gang involvement and drug and alcohol use/abuse.

Parent/Community Education Sessions

Steered Straight, Inc. education sessions are conducted similarly to professional development workshops. Essentially, they are presentations for educators, school staff, parents, guardians, and community members. Each session is designed to educate its audience about a particular issue embedded in the social conditions of today’s youth. All sessions explain the etiology, prevalence and potential consequences related to the issue, as well as prevention and intervention methods.

Donate Now to Steered Straight

Steered Straight, Inc.
222 Heritage Park Drive, Suite 101
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
(856) 691-6676
"Helping Young People Help Themselves"